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              Effective communication is need of every organization. Business writing should follow some principle. These principles bring with ‘C’. They are seven in number. So they are called seven C’s. The people today are much more aware of the importance of good communication they used to be. Despite the modern inventions of quick ways of transmitting human sound, written communication has its own importance. To compose effective message, we must apply certain communication principles.
·       Clarity
Clarity means communication the exact message on the first reading. Clarity makes the reader’s job easy. A clear message on the first reading makes the reader’s job easy. A clear message is easy to understand. Moreover, it saves time, money and effort. Aristotle said: “a good style is first of all, clear.” Short and easy words should be chose for bringing clarity:
Use                  instead of  
Start                commence
End                  terminate
Fire                  conflagration 
Daily                per diem
Clarity comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Use short, easy and familiar words.
2.      Keep pronoun references clear.
3.      Avoid needless jargon.
4.      Avoid chichés (old phrases).
5.      Avoid using words that have more than one meaning.
·       Conciseness
Conciseness is saying in the fewest possible words without sacrificing the other “C”
qualities.  A concise message save time, money and effort of both parties.
Shakespeare said: “brevity is the soul of wit.”
Southey said:  if you want to me sharp be brief.”
We should be like a bee that takes out nectar from each flower.
Use                  instead of
About               with regard to
If                      in the event that
Experience      past experience
Conciseness comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Include only relevant material.
2.      Make negative positive.
3.      Avoid needless repetition.
4.      Delete needless prefaces.
5.      Eliminate wordy expressions.
·       Completeness
Our communication is complete when it contains all information the reader needs. Completeness offers many benefits. Complete message bring the desired result without the expenses of added messages. They can also build goodwill.
            Communication comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Provide all necessary information.
2.      Answer all question asked.
3.      Give something extra, when desirable.
4.      Check five W’s: What, when, Where, Who, why.
·       Consideration
Consideration means preparing a message with the receiver in mind. Try to put yourself in his place. The sender is aware of the receiver’s desires, problems, circumstances, emotions, and reactions. This is also called “you-attitude.
Consideration comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Focus on “you” instead of “I” and “we”.
2.      Show benefit to the reader.
3.      Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.
·       Correctness
Correctness is the greatest quality of a message. Everything in the letter should be correct. If a letter has other “C” qualities, but it is not correct, it is useless. The appearance, information, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization should be correct.
Correctness comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Use the right level of language.
2.      Check the accuracy of facts, figures, and words.
·       Courtesy
Where courtesy reigns, everyone gains. Courtesy costs nothing but it brings much. Courtesy shows love and respect for the reader. Courtesy makes life pleasant. A letter written in a courteous way seems to be smiling. “please” and “thank you”  are courteous words. There must be sincerity behind courtesy.
Courtesy comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Be honestly tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative.
2.      Use expressions that show respect.
3.      Choose nonsexist language.

·       Concreteness
George M. Cohan said: “Don’t tell them-SHOW them!” Information writing shows as well as tells. Correctness means choosing words that shows definitely what you mean. Concrete and specific information is not only more informative, but also mire convincing. We have to make the reader “see” himself.
            Concreteness comes in a message through these ways:
1.      Choose vivid. Image-building words.
2.      Provide solid numbers and statistics.
3.      Put action in your verbs.
4.      Use words that appeal to five senses.
(Touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste)