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Veena Malik formally quits film industry

Pakistani model and actress famous for her controversies, VEENA MALIK has announced to quit the film industry. 
She recently married to Pakistani businessman ASAB BASHIR KHAN, while talking to a private news channel. She said that she would no more be working in film and she will keep doing welfare or social development programs.

" I'll engage in my project which aims for welfare but not be part of any film "  She told the Express News.
She said that  she will keep coming to Pakistan with the permission of her husband. Most of my mother-in-law settled in Dubai and other part of world.
VEENA MALIK, who recently met with the most respected religious scholar MAULANA TARIQ JAMEEL, is in SAUDI ARABIA to perform perform Umrah with her husband and mother-in-law.

Faisla Awam Ka (21st January 2014) Special Interview Veena Malik and Maulana Tariq Jameel