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5 common makeup mistakes which can be avoided!

For many of us, a trip to the makeup counter is like a trip to the candy store. So much to choose from — so many shades of lipsticks and eyeshadows, so many different brands, so many new beauty tools. We chat with sales people about which products will work best for us, latch on to a few favorites and then despair if they ever disappear from the shelves. Yep, we love our makeup.

Wrong foundation
Many women end up looking they have a floating head or they are wearing a mask because their foundation does not match their face and neck. When you go too light it makes your skin appear flat and lifeless. Instead of natural, it will look like the makeup is just sitting on your skin, which can add years to your face.

Blending Your Makeup Incorrectly
makeup is meant to highlight your best features and downplay your flaws. You’re not wearing war paint. And if it looks like you are, you may have a problem with blending. Your makeup should never have obvious lines. It should be soft and blurry, each color fading into another. It should enhance the contours of your face, not outline them.

Over application of blush
If you want the flushed look, smile and apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks. If you want a more structured look, follow your cheekbones and then blend the blush upward to avoid creating stripes. The thing with blush is that you can always add more. But if you’ve been a little overzealous in the application, try adding a little loose powder over the cheek to tone it down.

Highlighting Too Many Parts of the Face
Many women like to go for a dramatic look on the eyes or lips. I say, “go for it.” However, problems can occur when you try to go for both at the same time. You don’t want different parts of your face to have to compete for attention.
If you want to go for a bold eye — maybe a smokey eye, cat eye, bright-colored eye shadow with super-long lashes — give yourself a more natural-looking lip. This way, your eyes will pop and everyone will pay attention to them. If you want to go for a bold lip — bright red and super glossy, perhaps — keep your eyes simple. You can wear shadow and mascara, just don’t go crazy. The attention will go straight to your lips, so make sure you apply that lipstick properly!

Sleeping with your makeup on.

This might be the worst mistake you can make with your face. No matter how late it is or how tired you are, always take the time to remove your makeup before you go to bed. Besides the fact that you’ll wake up with panda eyes, it’s really bad for your skin. Leaving your eye makeup on can be even worse. It can cause irritation, an allergic reaction, or even an infection. Not really worth it to save those couple minutes, is it? Always clean the makeup from your face with a gentle facial cleanser or cold cream.

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