you remember the grapefruit diet? How about the cabbage soup diet? Fad
diets are huge money makers in today’s society. Diet companies often
hire on celebrity spokespeople who claim that they tried every other
diet on the market with little success, until this one, and credit the
diet with their weight loss milestones. While their testaments may or
may not be true, diet companies love when celebrity spokespeople speak
highly of their products, as consumers flock to stores and empty the
so many fad diets now, do you know which ones can you can trust? We
found 10 of the most popular fad diets that actually have a proven
history of success. Because the success of any diet is dependent on the
person and the efforts made, we know that listing the worst diet fads is
not beneficial to anyone. Without further ado, lets find out what fad
diets actually work.
Low Carb Diet
get the full effect of a low carb diet, you are supposed to take only 10
percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates. The other 90 percent
of your calories should come from fat (60 percent) and protein (30
percent). Some people are apprehensive of a low carb diet since it means
eating a lot of fat, but these are typically the unsaturated fats that
your body actually needs. Just a tip, you better have an appreciation
for eggs when doing a low carb diet.
Zone Diet
you stay in these zones, you should be able to lose up to two pounds
each week, especially when you consider the low amount of calories that
are suggested by the regimen. The diet, which was created by Barry
Sears, suggests that women on the program should only be eating around
1,200 calories per day, with a 300 calorie increase for men. This diet
takes a lot of restraint, not to mention that the calorie count might be
too low for some.
Gluten Free Diet
of the foods that contain gluten also contain a lot of carbohydrates.
Bread and pasta are two of the biggest culprits of gluten, and are also
high in carbs. People who are avoiding gluten often have a low-calorie
intake of food (as long as they’re avoiding gluten free junk food, as
well), which directly contributes to weight loss.
South Beach Diet
South Beach Diet contains multiple steps, the first of which is to cut
almost your entire carb intake for the first two weeks. This will help
to balance out your body (and lose weight quickly) before getting back
into a carb-friendly diet. The increase in carbs afterwards is up to
about 25 percent, and you actually get to eat six times per day,
including three full meals and a dessert.
Atkins Diet
like the South Beach Diet, there are different steps to the Atkins
Diet, including a dramatic drop in initial carbs all the way down to 20
each day. Even with those 20 carbs that you eat, almost all of them have
to come from veggies since they are also filled with fiber. Fiber
cancels out carbs, so if you see something that has 15 grams of carbs
and 12 grams of fiber, you are only eating three net grams of carbs.
Mediterranean Diet
For those who not only want to lose weight, but also want to improve
their heart health, the Mediterranean Diet is an amazing option. Not a
lot of the diets on this list are suggested by doctors, but the
Mediterranean Diet is highly recommended by medical professionals,
including the famed Mayo Clinic. The Mediterranean way of cooking
includes a lot of olive oil and the occasional glass of red wine, both
of which are incredibly beneficial for your heart.
heart healthy fats and vitamins that you get from the Mediterranean Diet
will have your body performing at a normal level, which will allow it
to burn more calories. The Mediterranean Diet was found almost the same
way as the Gluten Free Diet, in the sense that it was not originally
intended for weight loss. However, people who followed the diet saw
great results in losing weight, as an added benefit. Fruit fans will
definitely want to try this diet since almost half of it comes from
an increased blood flow, not only will you have more energy, but your
body will be able to process foods in a highly functional way. There are
two different programs within the DASH Diet, with the regular style
limiting you to 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day and another that
limits you to just 1,500 milligrams. Typically, people consume
approximately 3,500 milligrams of sodium each day, which goes to show
you that there is a huge difference in salt intake on the DASH Diet.
3 Day Diet
just three days, people typically lose 10 pounds. The first day of the
diet consists of just a piece of toast and half of a grapefruit for
breakfast, causing many people to quit by their first lunchtime. You
really have to enjoy a small amount of broiled lean meat like chicken or
fish to be successful through the 3 Day Diet.
Super Shred Diet
of counting each calorie that you consume, you have to be mindful of
how many items you are putting into your body. A lot of the foods in the
program are vegetables. You can still drink alcohol, coffee and diet
soda while on the Super Shred Diet, so this might be a wiser choice for
those who absolutely must have their caffeine.
Flat Belly Diet
the initial phase is completed and your bloating has been reduced, you
then switch to a diet that is highly concentrated in monounsaturated
fats, which includes foods such as nuts and olive oil. You can still eat
meat on the Flat Belly Diet, but you better have a taste for seafood as
fish is a big part of the meal plan. Vegetarians will love this one, as
vegetables, fruits and grains are also a huge recommendation for